MOLDS are blocks of content and data based on modules found in the BOS Portal.
NOTE: MOLDS will be available in 3.1, which will introduce the BOS portal.
MOLDS are modular content objects that are linked to data source files that are managed via the BOS Portal.
Data for various types of MOLDS (modules) is managed via BOS, which stores data as XML, CSV, or plain text files. No database needed. This data is then used to construct objects that can be rendered on the front-end of your application / website.
MOLDS are content modules or data sources that are rendered on the front-end. Simply include the view.php file for any given MOLD (module), and echo the necessary PHP variable(s) to render the module. Further documentation is provided with each module object.
NOTE: documentation coming in 3.1
BOS contains 20 modules, which can be used to manage content data for the following types of modular objects:
Source Module: SAD (System Admin Dashboard)
Use system configuration values and pre-defined variables to manipulate page content.
Source Module: PAD (Profile Admin Dashboard)
Display user data with these objects:
Source Module: FAM (File Asset Manager)
Display file info, or allow file uploads with these objects:
Source Module: Blueprint
Generate CSS files for custom-defined layouts and themes.
Source Module: MOB (Mold Object Builder)
Make your own molds by creating custom block forms.
Source Module: PAGES (Page Administrative Generator Environment System)
Display page information and generate a sitemap.xml file with these objects:
Source Module: DICK (Daily Integrated Content Keeper)
Display a daily content block for each day of the week, or define custom days.
Source Module: PAWS (Post Admin & Write Streams)
Display user-generated content posts using these objects:
Source Module: CAD (Categorized Article Display)
Display a list of categories and articles with these objects:
Source Module: PORTS (Project Organization Roles & Task Streams)
Display "to-do" lists with these objects:
Source Module: CRUDE (Create Read Update Data Environment)
Display CSV-based data with these objects:
Source Module: MyDID (My Defined Integrated Databases)
Display content based on SQL databases using these objects:
Source Module: JACK (Joined Ajax Content Keeper)
Display AJAX content with these objects:
Source Module: MAP (Mapping Admin of Places)
Display maps and specific locations with these objects:
Source Module: EDU (Educational Deployment Utility)
Display educational and presentational content with these objects:
Source Module: HAPI (Hub API)
Integrate third-party APIs and display widgets.
Source Module: TILT (Translator of International Languages Tool)
Display translatable content with these objects:
Source Module: SHOP (Sales Helper for Online Products)
Display product content with these objects:
Source Module: MAD (Marketing Admin Dashboard)
Display marketing content and forms using these objects:
Source Module: STORYboard
Dislay storytelling content using these objects:
NOTE: documentation coming in 3.1